an old problem, but almost no library implements it, so here is my shot at it in python:
import datetime
def DateTimeFromIsoWeek(year, isoweek=1):
Returns a DateTime instance pointing to the given ISO week/year
The weekday defaults to 4, which corresponds to Thursday in the
ISO numbering. The time part is set to 00:00:00.
# anyone knows what assertions could be done for the year?
assert 0 < isoweek < 54
# start stupidly with 1st January of the given year:
d = datetime.datetime(year, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
# what weekday is this?
dow = d.isocalendar()[2]
# advance to next thursday, if not already on a thursday:
if dow < 4: # if we are in monday - wednesday:
d += datetime.timedelta(7 - dow - 3)
elif dow > 4: # if we are in friday - sunday
d += datetime.timedelta(7 - dow + 4)
# advance to the given week:
d += datetime.timedelta((isoweek-1) * 7)
if isoweek == 53: # this might be a user error, not all years have 53 weeks, so check it
y = d.isocalendar()[0]
if y != year: # we ended in a different year -> the given year only has 52 weeks!
raise Exception, "The year '%i' does not have an ISO week '%i'" % (year, isoweek)
return d